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Rental Units
The Foundation owns and operates affordable rental properties in both counties.
Applications are available and as units open, we offer them to local residents.
Our rental homes are well constructed, energy efficient,
and typically built to be handicap accessible.
One of our facilities is a four-unit complex with
solar power providing the tenant's energy
needs. Units are not always available due to the demand for affordable housing in Fluvanna and Louisa Counties. We are currently working to construct more units.

Follow these steps:
1. Find out if you are income-qualified
(Fluvanna County is considered part of the Charlottesville area for determining AMI)
Gather the necessary information, such as contact information for your landlord, past
addresses and sources of income
Print and complete the application following the instructions
3. Submit the application
2. Fill out the Rental Application
The application cannot be submitted online
Mail or bring it to the Foundation at
144 Resource Lane, Louisa VA 23093
You may also call our office at
(540) 967-3483 with any questions
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