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  • Volunteer | FLHF

    Volunteer The Foundation works with individual volunteers and volunteer groups to build and install ramps and perform home repairs. We have many types of volunteer opportunities available. Whether you’re a building professional, handy with tools, or simply looking to give back to the Louisa and Fluvanna communities – we can put you to work! ​ If you are interested in volunteering, please submit a Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement. Volunteer Application Name Phone Email Address What type of volunteer work are you interested in doing? Submit Application We received your message and will respond to you as soon as possible. Confidentiality Agreement As an employee or volunteer at the Fluvanna-Louisa Housing Foundation, you may be exposed to or have access to confidential information about program participants or employees of the organization. It is vitally important that information about such not be released to people or agencies outside of the Housing Foundation without written consent. The only exception to this policy will be to follow legal or regulatory guidelines. All memoranda, notes, reports, or other documents will remain part of the organization’s confidential records. Personal or identifying information about the Foundation’s employees or participants, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, or salaries, will not be released to people not authorized by the nature of their duties to receive such information without the written consent of management, the employee, or the participant. If you improperly or inappropriately disclose confidential information, you may be subject to disciplinary action. ​ I have read and been given a copy of the above agreement and accept the responsibility placed in me by the Fluvanna-Louisa Housing Foundation. I agree to abide by this confidentiality agreement. Name Date Send We received your message and will respond to you as soon as possible..

  • Fluvanna Lou

    Our History For 40 years, residents of central Virginia have had help with their housing needs – first by the individual operations of the Fluvanna Housing Foundation and the Louisa Housing Foundation – then in 2003 by the merger of the two into the Fluvanna-Louisa Housing Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. ​ Here are just a few of the ways we have ensured warm, safe and dry housing for the families in our communities. In the 1980’s, many families in our area had no plumbing or running water. The Fluvanna and Louisa Housing Foundations made sure these critical needs were addressed. During the drought of 2002, when wells ran dry, we helped families dig or drill new wells. When wind and rain from Hurricane Isabel hit the East Coast, families turned to us for help restoring roofs that had been destroyed. After a massive snowstorm of 2008 damaged a number of homes, we responded with financial assistance and volunteers to do the repairs. When the destructive 2011 earthquake destroyed homes in central Virginia, we distributed federal funds for rebuilding. In 2020, when Covid-19 challenged the economic and housing stability of the community, we expanded our services and outreach. ​ Today, under the leadership of Executive Director Kim Hyland, the Foundation has a renewed dedication to strengthening trust with the community by providing services with compassion, honesty, and simplicity. ​ ​ ​ Learn about some of the programs and services we offer. ​ We also offer individualized education, counseling, referrals to housing, and legal services to help our residents gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities to continue to meet their housing needs. ​ ​

  • news story | FLHF

    Title blurb about the story, can make purple to highlight things​ ​ (this is just the history text as a placeholder for the story) (can add images anywhere) For 40 years, residents of central Virginia have had help with their housing needs – first by the individual operations of the Fluvanna Housing Foundation and the Louisa Housing Foundation – then in 2003 by the merger of the two into the Fluvanna-Louisa Housing Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. ​ Here are just a few of the ways we have ensured warm, safe and dry housing for the families in our communities. In the 1980’s, many families in our area had no plumbing or running water. The Fluvanna and Louisa Housing Foundations made sure these critical needs were addressed. During the drought of 2002, when wells ran dry, we helped families dig or drill new wells. When wind and rain from Hurricane Isabel hit the East Coast, families turned to us for help restoring roofs that had been destroyed. After a massive snowstorm of 2008 damaged a number of homes, we responded with financial assistance and volunteers to do the repairs. When the destructive 2011 earthquake destroyed homes in central Virginia, we distributed federal funds for rebuilding. In 2020, when Covid-19 challenged the economic and housing stability of the community, we expanded our services and outreach. Today, under the leadership of Executive Director Kim Hyland, the Foundation has a renewed dedication to strengthening trust with the community by providing services with compassion, honesty, and simplicity. ​ ​

  • Services | FLHF

    Our Services Access Ramps Learn More Rental Units Learn More Essential Repairs Learn More Financial Education Learn More

  • Access Ramps | FLHF

    Access Ramps If you require an access ramp and do not have the funds to purchase one on your own, we can help. The Foundation provides loaner ramps, or you can buy an aluminum ramp and utilize the 40% FLHF discount. These ramps are not permanent and can easily be installed and removed, then used in another location. ​ If you need more permanent access, the Foundation can help you buy the materials for a wood ramp. We work with a variety of volunteers to help build them. Click here to apply Click here if you live in Fluvanna County Click here if you live in Louisa County Follow these steps: ​ 1. Find out if you are income-qualified ​ (Fluvanna County is considered part of the Charlottesville area for determining AMI) Aluminum: can be moved when no longer needed Wood: for more permanent use 3. Fill out the Service Request form (You do NOT need to be the homeowner to have a ramp installed, but you do need the homeowner's permission!) 2. Know what type of ramp you need Complete the form online Print it out and mail it to the Foundation ​ You may also call our office at (540) 967-3483 with this information

  • Housing Choice Vouchers | FLHF

    Housing Choice Vouchers The housing choice voucher program is the federal government's major program for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private market. Under this program: A family issued a housing voucher is responsible for suitable housing of their choice, where the owner agrees to rent under the program Housing may be a single-family home, a townhouse, or an apartment, as well as the family’s current home Rental units must meet minimum standards of health and safety, as determined by the VA Housing Choice Voucher Program Families pay 30% of their income toward rent and utilities with the voucher assisting with additional cost The Virginia Housing Choice Voucher Program receives federal funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) The Fluvanna-Louisa Housing Foundation then applies for and administers these vouchers locally Click here to learn more Currently, none of VHDA's voucher program waiting lists are open, and applications are not being accepted at this time. For more information on the Housing Choice Voucher Wait List click here: For more information on the Housing Choice Voucher Program click here: Housing Choice Voucher Program

  • Our Team

    Our Staff Kim Hyland Executive Director Contact me Lindell Chavis Assistant Director Contact me Wanda Armstrong Fluvanna Coordinator Contact me Annabelle Anderson Louisa Coordinator Contact me Andrea Madison Operations Manager Contact me Board of Directors David Vogt Board President Lead Pastor Antioch Baptist Church Sarah Monceaux Board Secretary & Treasurer Avenue Realty Chelsea Wells Accountant Mozell Booker Vice President Former Fluvanna Country Supervisor, Fork Union District Allison Pace Family Services Supervisor Fluvanna Social Services Wendy Morris Community Member Louisa County Resource Council Tom Payne Former Fluvanna BoS Beaver Dam Baptist Church Rachel Jones Louisa County Supervisor, Green Springs District Ron Bricker Communications Steve Smith Attorney Jeff Martin General Contractor/Builder FLHF Advisory Board Debbie Cole Fundraising Jo Griffith Grant Writing Denee Haycraft Volunteers Judy Belloumini Grant Writing

  • News

    Resources The Real Estate Marketplace Glossary: How to Talk the Talk Zillow Debt-to-Income Calculator US Bank Mortgage Payment Calculator US Bank Mortgage Affordability Calculator US Bank Rent vs. Buy Calculator US Bank FHA Loan Calculator Zillow Mortgage Affordability Calculator US Bank Mortgage Downpayment Calculator US VA Loan Calculator

  • Contact

    Interested in our services? Click here to apply Or contact us below with other questions Contact Us Name Phone Email Subject Message Send We received your message and will respond to you as soon as possible..

  • Housing Services | Fluvanna-Louisa Housing Foundation | United States

    We are dedicated to serving our neighbors 27 New Roofs 151 Ramps 29 Rental Units Learn more about what we do Warm, Safe, Dry Here's what we did for our clients in 2022: Help us help neighbors Donate today or volunteer Donate Volunteer Opportunities Community Partners We stay local with stories from Thelma and many others in Fluvanna and Louisa counties. Stories of Compassion Hear more stories Essential Home Repair This program provides grant and loan assistance with necessary and critical home repairs for income eligible residents. Learn more about repairs Access Ramps If you cannot afford an access ramp and cannot get in and out of your home, we can help. Learn more about ramps Other Services We also provide other services ranging from rental units to financial education and assistance for first time home buyers. Learn about our other services

  • Financial Education | FLHF

    Financial Education The FLHF has three education programs: Budgeting and Credit Reports On the Path to Home Ownership First Time Homebuyer The FLHF works with you to evaluate budgeting, credit history and finances to improve your credit score and increase financial knowledge to move renters into home ownership. We provide help with applications for down payment assistance and HUD Counselors to obtain an affordable mortgage. There are local and state programs that offer assistance and we can provide help in finding them. Wherever you are on your path to financial education and creating a better future, we are here to help. Click here to apply Follow these steps: ​ 1. Fill out the First Time Homebuyers Client Intake Form ​ Gather the necessary information, such as income and expenses and references ​ Print out and complete the intake form following the instructions 2. Submit the Intake Form The intake form cannot be submitted online ​ Print it out and mail or bring it to the Foundation at 144 Resource Lane, Louisa VA 23093 ​ Call our office at (540) 967-3483 with any questions Meet with Foundation staff every three months Receive counseling on repairing or building credit, increasing savings and improving your financial position. Talk with our network of real estate professionals, mortgage brokers, appraisers and home inspectors. Set goals to lead you down the path to home ownership. Be prepared to purchase your home at the end of the year! ​ The Foundation is currently creating educational programs for first-time homebuyers. In these programs you’ll learn about mortgages, credit, types of homeownership and everything else you need to know to become a homeowner.

  • Essential Home Repair | FLHF

    Essential Home Repair Program The FLHF Essential Home Repair Program can help you make critical repairs to your home. We assist with repairs for the following: Click here to apply Roof replacement Heating and cooling system Plumbing Electrical systems Well repair Septic system repair Hot water heater ​ We may also be able to help with other types of home repairs. We work with residents to obtain grant funds to help cover the cost of major home repairs. Typically, the grant does not cover the full cost of the repair, so FLHF provides zero-interest loans and reasonable repayment terms. Below is one example of how a loan might work: ​ Total cost of repair: $6,000 Grant funds: $3,000 Homeowner down payment: $500 Homeowner loan: $2,500 Balance paid in $100 monthly installments over 25 months with 0% interest. ​ How can we do this? As other people with loans pay back their home repair, we recycle the funds back into the community. Your repair is possible due to someone else paying back their loan. When you repay your loan, you will help someone else afford their home repair. Click here if you live in Fluvanna County Click here if you live in Louisa County Follow these steps: ​ 1. Find out if you are income-qualified ​ (Fluvanna County is considered part of the Charlottesville area for determining AMI) Find out how much it will cost by calling two or three contractors for estimates so we will know a little about the approximate cost 3. Fill out the Service Request form 2. Know what repairs you need Complete the form online Print it out and mail it to the Foundation ​ You may also call our office at (540) 967-3483 with this information (for example, try to find out if the water on a wall is from a break in plumbing or a roof leak)



Fluvanna-Louisa Housing Foundation, 144 Resource Lane, Louisa, VA 23093

©2021 by Fluvanna-Louisa Housing Foundation.

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